Law Firm of David N. Jolly

Don’t be a Drunk Driving Statistic in Washington

Don’t become on of Washington’s drunk driving statistics 

Looking at drunk driving statistics makes it easy to see why Washington state has cracked down on driving under the influence with harsh laws and stiff penalties. One of the toughest states in the nation for driving under the influence charges, even a .08 alcohol content in your blood can land you with a driving under the influence charge, making a momentary indiscretion or one night at a party have life-altering affects. While elected officials and law enforcement may declare that Washington State laws have been effective in lowering automobile and alcohol related deaths, according to recent drunk driving statistics, they have the added side effect of potentially derailing a person’s life for one bad choice.

At the Law Firm of David N. Jolly, the expertise of over twenty years of court cases and thousands of successful legal battles can come to your aid to try and ensure that your life is not irrevocably altered by one driving under the influence charge.  Call one of our Bellingham DUI Defense Attorneys immediately following your release from custody at (360) 293-2275.

Dependent upon various factors, drunk driving statistics in Washington state are not favorable for penalties against those charged with driving under the influence. Judges may impose anywhere from one full day in jail to 364 days in jail for a first time offense with no prior convictions. Licenses may be suspended for no less than three months and fines can range up to five thousand dollars. Judges are under no obligation to give minimum sentencing – and extenuating circumstances such as accidents caused, injuries, or prior convictions, can result in higher penalties being enforced. With Washington’s tough stance on driving under the influence, the success of your Bellingham criminal defense case depends on the expertise of your Whatcom County DUI lawyer.  The Bellingham DUI attorneys at our Firm can help you navigate these complicated legal waters. From your case briefing to your court appearances, David N. Jolly associates are here to help.

David N. Jolly and his associates are here to help Washington state DUI charge recipients get the best possible outcome in their court cases. With intimate knowledge and years of successful experience with drunk driving statistics and DUI cases, our Bellingham DUI lawyers offer prompt responses and guidance on your case, including court appearances and time lines for when and how to deal with your charge. With different counties requiring different responses to a DUI charge, and the chance that the judge may levy heavier penalties, it is in your best interest to have a Bellingham lawyer to explain the steps you need to take to defend yourself. While no lawyer can promise one hundred percent success or a given result, our lawyers will do our utmost to have your penalties reduced and your case handled fairly and equitably and will even help guide you through the process of having your license restored and getting your life back on track. Don’t let yourself become one of Washington state’s drunk driving statistics. Contact the Bellingham criminal defense attorneys at the Law Firm of David N. Jolly today.

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